

Moving to tumblr.


Happy Belated Beltane

Over spring break, Jessica and I went to California to visit friends, mountains, and grad schools. I brought a Toyo 4 x 5 camera.

The Vulcan (where Mike lives)
click image to enlarge

This is a video I made about the trip...

Mature Audiences Only.

Last month, I was a receptionist for Jessica's performance, Nail Salon.

click image to learn more about her project.

Two pages from a book I finished in March. Palladium on Vellum.

I've also been revisiting old negatives...

Friday is the last day of this semester and I am really going to miss my classes. Large Format Photography with Caroline Allison, Critical Writing with Robin Paris and Erica Wollam, Contemporary Art Theory with Noel Anderson, and Alternative Processes with Robin Paris. 
No absences. It was incredible.

But, I am looking forward to summer...




taken from takkejong's flikr

CAG. Hollaback Holland. 2010.


Howdy Do There!

Wanna know what I been up to?

Well! I recently developed film exposed in NYC...

and of mushrooms on a tree stump.

Artartzine drag ball

"The snow was fast and furious, the drivers were furious."

Been renting a 4 x 5 camera and carrying it around.

Section of my room, bird painting by Aaron Keen.

Standing Stone National Park

HWY 111

Food Town

Sassafras Barn #1

Short Mountain last Summer

Room for rent in the house below, 500$ mo. Just sayin'.



Hanna Höch - November 1, 1889 – May 31, 1978

Dompteuse - 1930

Roland Barthes
"Why is it that I am alive here and now?" page 84, Camera Lucida